Don’t Be A Victim Of Domestic Violence: 5 Ways to PREPARE


  1. Practice situational awareness. Keep your eyes open for signs of relationship distancing, elevated tension or anger in your interactions, and unusual behavioral changes.  These are red flags and could be precursors to violent behavior towards you and/or others in your home.
  2. Reduce your financial dependence on your domestic partner by stashing cash and provisions outside of the house in case you and others in your home need to bug out or move out quickly.
  3. Invest in yourself and your safety. Learn tactics you could use to defuse dangerous situations and also learn self-defense skills.  Concurrently, purchase and practice using basic self-protection supplies such as those offered for sale on our site, including but not limited to non-lethal stun devices and/or pepper sprays like those from Mace, Pepper Gard and Wildfire.  Consider multiple types and sizes that can be strategically placed in your car, at home and on your person for easy access and maximum protection.  Whistles and personal or home alarms can also help buy you precious time to get away or ward off danger until help arrives.  Consider carrying a keychain model or personal alarm that, when activated, emits an ear-piercing siren that alerts others of your situation and could deter any further action by an attacker.   Look for prepackaged self-defense kits that include devices recommended for your particular situation and can save you money.
  4. Identify a safe place in the house where you and others can retreat to if you cannot get out quickly and safely if needed.
  5. Always carry your mobile phone with you at all times so you can call 911 if needed. Hands-free Bluetooth-connected devices allow your hands to be free to do other things while you speak on your phone.

Take time to PREPARE!  Remember the old adage “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”?  I cannot impress upon you enough how much better it is to be safe than sorry when it comes to domestic violence.  You don’t think twice about preparing for other life events.  Do this for yourself and for those who rely on you and love you.  Don’t be caught off guard.  Plan ahead “just in case” and increase your odds of survival.