6 Ways To PROTECT Yourself in Domestic Violence Situations

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE is on the rise in America.  Don’t become a victim.  Already one?  In either case, here are 5 ways that you can PROTECT yourself and your family:

  1. Make a planSee our blog post of October 15, 2020 regarding PREPARATION.
  2. Purchase and practice using basic, non-lethal, self-protection supplies such as pepper sprays, stun devices, whistles and personal or home alarms or anything within reach.  Some of these products are available for purchase from my e-commerce store, https://TheSelfProtectionStore.com.  Consider any and all deterrents and protection devices that you would be comfortable with using, including anything within your reach, such as
    1. Items sitting near you.
    2. Pepper sprays, including police-strength formulas, manufactured by Mace, Pepper Gard and Wildfire are all made in the USA.  Consider purchasing multiple types and sizes that can be strategically placed in your car, at different places in your home and on your person for easy access and maximum protection. Don’t forget your duty to protect others in your household that could be affected.
    3. Different kinds of stun devices: an obvious looking stun device or more covert styles (devices that look like other things but include a stun feature: flashlights, cell phones, walking sticks, lipstick cases, etc.).
    4. Whistles and personal or home alarms, even dummy cameras, can also help buy you or your children precious time to get away or ward off danger until help arrives.  Consider carrying a key chain or other personal alarm that, when activated, emits an ear-piercing siren that alerts others of your situation and could deter any further action by an attacker.
    5. Prepackaged self defense kits that include devices recommended for your particular situation, including self-defense products for use while in your vehicle or at home.
  3. Limit your abuser’s accessibility to weapons in the home, if possible, by disarming them or separating and hiding ammunition and keys to gun safes or drawers where the weapons are kept.
  4. Try to spend as much time as possible outside the house doing chores, walking the dog or playing with the children, in plain sight of neighbors or passersby.
  5. Pre-program the phone number for the National Domestic Violence Hotline (800)799-SAFE (7233) into your cell phone, “just in case”.  Disguise the true name associated with this telephone  number as Customer Support for a specific service, credit card or appliance, for instance, in case your phone is confiscated and searched by your abuser.
  6. Seek local assistance in the form of support groups, services and shelters. Go to ncadv.org/state-coalitions to see what assistance is available to you in your state.  Use private browsing on the internet so your search cannot be detected by your abuser.  Remove yourself and others from your toxic environment permanently as soon as you can. 

PREPARING a plan and PROTECTING yourself and others from the dangers associated with domestic violence can increase your chances to PERSEVERE and survive!  Your safety, and the safety of any others in your household that could be or are already affected by domestic violence, is in your hands.  Be discreet, but get protection and begin getting it now.  Your life, and the lives of others, depends on your taking action to protect them.